District Probolinggo Government Holds Coordination Meeting on Prevention and Acceleration in Handling COVID-19

KRAKSAAN - Probolinggo Regency Government (Pemkab) through the Community and Village Empowerment Service (DPMD) held a special coordination meeting (Rakorsus) to prevent and accelerate the management of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) through the optimization of health services at the Posyandu, Wednesday (3/18/2020 ).

The Rakorsus which was held in the meeting room of the Tengger Office of the Probolinggo Regent was led directly by the Regent of Probolinggo Hj. P. Tantriana Sari, SE accompanied by Deputy Regent (Vice Regent) of Probolinggo Drs. HA. Timbul Prihanjoko and Probolinggo District Secretary (Sekda) H. Soeparwiyono.

This activity was attended by all Heads of OPD (Regional Apparatus Organizations), Sub-District Heads and Head of Community Health Centers throughout Probolinggo Regency. These participants received an explanation regarding the prevention and acceleration of COVID-19 handling from the Chairperson of the Non-Natural Disaster Management Task Force and the Progress of Handling COVID-19 Probolinggo Regency, Anggit Hermanuadi.

Before entering the meeting room, the Rakors participants through a series of health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Like washing hands using antiseptics and body temperature measurements using Thermogun. As well as implementing social distancing with a distance of over 1 meter both when in the elevator and the Probolinggo Regent Office meeting room. After that the participants were invited to drink a spice mixture (empon-empon).

Probolinggo District Secretary H. Soeparwiyono said that in the past week Probolinggo Regency Government gave special attention to COVID-19. This is the concern of the Regional Government to all elements of society in Probolinggo Regency.

"Several efforts and measures have been set by the Regent and Deputy Regent. He even shared his role, the Regent commanded the work of accelerating the handling of COVID-19 and Mr Wabup led the inspection of the availability, security and affordability of basic food and other community needs, including masks, "he said.

Furthermore Secretary Soeparwiyono said he was grateful that several regional policy administrations had been resolved. Among them, the Regent's Decree Regarding the Determination of the Non-Natural Disaster Task Force Task Force and the Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling, the Regent's Circular Letter on Home Learning and the Regent's Circular Letter on Closing of Tourist Objects, Regent's Circular Letter on Working from Home (Work From Home Home) not working at home.

"In addition, the Press Conference on Probolinggo District Government's Policy Regarding COVID-19 by the Regent, staple food and masks by the Deputy Regent, Health Protocol / SOP Preparation and others by the Health Office and the compilation of detailed health, education, economic, area protocols. public, communication and governance by the Head of Implementing Agency of BPBD as Chairman of the Non-Natural Disaster Management Task Force and the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19, "he stressed.

While the Regent of Probolinggo Hj. P. Tantriana Sari, SE said that Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) is not to be underestimated and underestimated. Because what happened in China has caused many fatalities.

"To date there is a comparison of COVID-19 mortality rates with other diseases. It's not just that narrow we think. This virus is a new virus that does not yet know how the virus is, how it is handled and detained, "he said.

According to the Regent of Tantri, this activity is one of the efforts in increasing mutual awareness. Not at his death but also with high pain rates. Therefore, it cannot depend much on the Health Service team because human resources and infrastructure are limited.

"My hope is that whoever is the policy maker should make decisions quickly and correctly. Alhamdulillah, Probolinggo Regency is relatively faster compared to other regions, "he explained.

As an effort to accelerate the handling of COVID-19, explained the Regent of Tantri, his party has ordered all OPDs to cancel all events to be held by the Regional Government ahead of Ramadan and the Anniversary of Probolinggo Regency (Harjakabpro).

"I have asked all DPOs to cancel and limit all trips outside Probolinggo Regency. If it's not urgent it's better in Probolinggo Regency. From this frenzy, there is no need to always face-to-face, "he explained.

To the District Heads of the Tantri District, they requested to back up the Non-Natural Disaster Management Task Force and the Acceleration of Handling COVID-19 Probolinggo District and coordinate with all the stakersolders in the sub-district both the Kapolsek and Danramil.

"We Forkopimda have agreed to be jointly involved in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Re-solidify with the respective Head of Puskesmas what should be done, one of which is how the community is open. Therefore the Task Force must arrange the flow starting from upstream to downstream so that the sub-district head can communicate their respective village heads, "he stressed.

The Regent of Tantri stressed that the sub-district head as the mediator in the sub-district must be able to set a good example at the sub-district level. Istiqomah is more open to personal health and the environment. Apart from that, they conduct surveillance on the community, especially those who have just returned from abroad.

"Today's condition forces us to maintain our health even more. If all this time you only take vitamins, you now have to take supplements to increase your immune system. Of course with the accompaniment of prayer that we are all avoided from disaster and given physical and spiritual health, "he concluded.

While the Chairman of the Non-Natural Disaster Management Task Force and the Acceleration of COVID-19 Probolinggo Regency Anggit Hermanuadi conveyed that non-natural natural disasters are disasters caused by non-natural events which include technology failures, modernization failures, epidemics and disease outbreaks. In this case the COVID-19 disease pandemic is a non-natural disaster.

"The Bon Natural Disaster Management Task Force and the Acceleration of Management of COVID-19 are divided into the COVID-19 Task Force protocol. Namely, the Health Task Force coordinated by the Health Office, the Education Task Force coordinated by the Education Office, the Economic Task Force coordinated by the Industry and Trade Office, the Public Area Task Force coordinated by the Office of the Environment and the Government Task Force coordinated by 3 (three) assistants, " he said. (*)

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